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How would you like a FREE Home Buyer Information session from conveyancing experts LawRep?

If you are purchasing your first home, next home or an investment property, it can pay to have the experts guide you through the process. Our partners LawRep are offering a free Home Buyer Preparation Session (valued at $350) free to all…

Buying your first home? How would you like some free legal advice to guide you through the process?

Purchasing property in today’s market is becoming more and more difficult whether you are a first home buyer or an investor. The difference between securing a property and missing out usually comes down to your property education and understanding…

Now is a great opportunity to grow your wealth by owning an investment property

Property prices have risen considerably over the past couple of years, which means that the value of your home would have increased as well. This would have raised the equity in your home putting you in a position to increase your wealth by…

iShare partners with Loanstoday for car loans and personal loans

iShare has added another level to their financial service offering by partnering with Loanstoday. Loanstoday are our preferred specialists in the Personal/Consumer Loan, Asset Purchase and leasing space. If you, your business, a family…

If you are a retiree and feel "Asset rich but cash poor", is it time you considered a Reverse Mortgage?

For many people over 60, the majority of their wealth is tied up in residential property - and in some cases, they might be carrying mortgage debt into retirement. A Reverse Mortgage can unlock equity in your home to consolidate debt to free…

Want cash for a car, motorbike, boat, jetski or maybe you just need a holiday?

iShare can arrange all types of loans for you quickly and easily: Car Loans Personal Loans - holidays, motorbikes, Leisure Equipment - Boats, Quadbike, Jet Skis Asset Finance - Equipment and Machinery Debt Consolidation Wedding…

iShare have joined forces with a leading Financial Services Company to offer complimentary Insurance reviews

iShare are excited to announce that they have recently signed a Relationship Agreement with leading Financial Services company, Bayswater Financial Pty Ltd.  iShare are aware of their obligations to ensure that their clients have sufficient…

Need extra money to help pay that mortgage payment that has just gone up?

How would you like to get money back from your bank each month to help pay off your home loan? Well now you can! Just let iShare refinance your home loan and we will rebate our trailing commission to you each month. I bet you didn't…

7 out of 10 Australians are now using a Mortgage Broker for their home loan

This represents a record market share for mortgage brokers. Mike Felton, CEO of the Mortgage Finance Association of Australia (MFAA), explains that one of the main reasons is that brokers have implemented sweeping reforms over the years which…

Are you a First Home Buyer and finding it hard to save the deposit for your dream home?

If you are struggling to find the deposit for your first home and want to avoid paying lenders mortgage insurance, then check this quick video out. The professionals at iShare Cashback Mortgage Brokers can help - call any time on 0422126…

A Mortgage Broker who actually pays you!

That's right! Not only is our mortgage broking service free but we will pay you each month just for being a client. All you have to do is let iShare find you a great home loan and we will rebate our trailing commission to you each month. Did…

Double $$$$$ Cashback offer available but time is running out.

We currently have lenders on our panel who are still offering cashback if you refinance your home loan with them. Not only that but we also have 2 lenders who will also pay cashback for home purchases as well! The amount of cashback varies…