Entries by iShare Brokers

iShare partners with Loanstoday for car loans and personal loans

iShare has added another level to their financial service offering by partnering with Loanstoday. Loanstoday are our preferred specialists in the Personal/Consumer Loan, Asset Purchase and leasing space. If you, your business, a family member or friend are in need of this service please contact us on 0478908007 and speak to Allen to progress your […]

iShare have joined forces with a leading Financial Services Company to offer complimentary Insurance reviews

iShare are excited to announce that they have recently signed a Relationship Agreement with leading Financial Services company, Bayswater Financial Pty Ltd.  iShare are aware of their obligations to ensure that their clients have sufficient insurances in place to protect their most valuable asset, the family home. Ben Howarth from Bayswater is a licenced financial […]

A Mortgage Broker who actually pays you!

That’s right! Not only is our mortgage broking service free but we will pay you each month just for being a client. All you have to do is let iShare find you a great home loan and we will rebate our trailing commission to you each month. Did you know that the bank pays all […]

Double $$$$$ Cashback offer available but time is running out.

We currently have lenders on our panel who are still offering cashback if you refinance your home loan with them. Not only that but we also have 2 lenders who will also pay cashback for home purchases as well! The amount of cashback varies with each lender with $3,000 being the average, But time is […]